FRANK MANGS (1897-1994) was a renowned Scandinavian evangelist who was a native of his beloved Finland. He mainly evangelized throughout Finland, Norway, and Sweden. However, he made several trips to the United States, and once preached to as many as 30,000 people in Soldier Field, Chicago.
Billy Graham said of Mangs, “Frank Mangs is one of the greatest God-men of the 20th-century. Had he lived in the United States, he would have been a world evangelist.”
Wherever he traveled, Frank Mangs constantly stirred up the churches, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to seek God, repent of their deadness, cultivate intimacy with Jesus Christ, and to live a life of righteousness and godliness to the glory of God.
One of his contemporaries said of Mangs: “The deepest secret in Frank Mangs’ preaching and lifework is … the intense experience of Jesus’ personal presence and God’s action in the world of men today. This is the inner, dynamic heartbeat that characterizes his message from his first little book in 1922 to the latest books.”
The Master’s Way has been out of print for many years. It is our prayer that this new edition will be used by God to reach many thirsty-hearted believers.
Ralph I. Tilley is a retired pastor, who has been engaged in a writing and publishing ministry for the past 25 years.
ISBN: 1732808716
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