Many Christians’ typical reaction toward The Epistle to the Hebrews is, “My, that is a difficult book to understand.” And, to be sure, some passages in the letter present challenges and are not easily understood. Some difficulties in understanding some sections of Hebrews arise because today’s Christian is not as well acquainted with the Law of Moses as the recipients of this letter were. But as challenging as the Book may be, a careful study rewards the student with rich blessings. Note a few of the following highlights in Hebrews.
• The crucified, risen, ascended, and interceding Lord Jesus Christ is the central Person and Theme throughout this letter.
• In exalting Christ the Lord, the Spirit-inspired writer informs his readers that Christ is superior to angels, Moses, the Old Covenant, the former Levitical priesthood, etc.
• Believers are warned about the dangers of apostasy and urged to be people with a steadfast faith in God, taking encouragement from a litany of Old Covenant worthies who overcame unimaginable obstacles.
• If they (and we) desire to run a successful Christian race, we must lay aside every impediment and sin and keep our focus on Jesus.
• We should regard ourselves as aliens in this world, traveling to a City whose Architect and Builder is God.
ISBN: 979-8990793613
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