IN THE WISDOM OF GOD, He has provided and preserved for us an overview of the Church’s early history—the Four Gospels (histories of the Incarnate Christ) and the Acts of the Apostles (a history of the Church’s first 30-35 years). In addition to these accounts, written by uniquely inspired men, the Lord has also gifted His Body with an abundance of well-known and little-known individuals whose lives and significant events have been recorded by various individuals over the past 2000 years. In exploring our Christian roots, Larry D. Smith and Ralph I. Tilley have selected men and women from these accounts to highlight in these vignettes—pastors and evangelists, authors and reformers, social workers and philanthropists, publishers and printers, civic leaders and children’s workers, teachers and missionaries, musicians and revivalists. Some critical events in Church history have also been included.
Christians should sooner or later express a desire to explore the lives of the saints. In doing so, they will discover—next to reading the Scriptures—the most edifying books one can read are those which record how God has produced a holy seed and used it to bless the world and the Church. Reading the lives of holy men and women will inspire Christians to persevere, stimulating them to love and good works.
The authors pray On This Day in Church History: 365 Daily Vignettes will be used by God to build up His people in the most Holy Faith—all to the glory of Christ, the Head of the Church.
ISBN: 978-1732808751
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