Christians and churches are in great need of experiencing the presence and power of God. We need a breath of fresh air—the very Breath of God—the Holy Spirit! The Apostles’ Creed reads, “I believe in the Holy Ghost.” Do we? There were fifteen steps leading up and into the pulpit from which Charles Spurgeon preached twice each Lord’s Day. At each step, the great Evangelical pastor of London’s Metropolitan Tabernacle would quietly affirm with full conviction, “I believe in the Holy Ghost.” The Holy Spirit is God’s agent on earth—drawing us to Christ, convicting us of sin, guiding us into all truth, calling us to a holy life, filling us with his Spirit, shaping us into the likeness of Christ, and sending us out to minister in his power to a lost and needy world—and so much more. “If we are going to be the children of God,” A. W. Tozer insightfully commented over fifty years ago, “we must have the Spirit of the Father to breathe into our hearts and breathe through us.” The are no magic formulas or three-easy-steps to either personal godliness or healthy churches. However, if we would but listen to what the Spirit has to say through the Scriptures and faithful witnesses, we would be walking in the right direction. Breathe on us Breath of God!
ISBN: 978-0-615-87805-8
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