All about Jesus: 365 Daily Meditations

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All about Jesus is my third daily devotional, and the twentieth book our gracious Lord has enabled me to either author or edit for publication since 2011. While I have written on many Christian themes, both while serving as an editor of a journal and as an author of books (primarily emphasizing the role of the Holy Spirit in Christian living), for several years I have wanted to write a book exclusively about the Lord Jesus Christ. All about Jesus is the outcome of this interest.

All about Jesus consists of a chronological overview of Jesus’ life and ministry. While any effort at a harmony of the Gospels has some debatable points, I have made that attempt in this volume, fully aware that Bible scholars disagree among themselves on a precise chronology of Jesus’ life and ministry.

Although this book is titled All about Jesus, it is not and cannot be all about Jesus, for even one of his closest disciples—after writing a history of Jesus’ life and ministry—noted the futility of such a project: “Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written” (John 21:25).

Jesus Christ, our Lord, is the center and circumference of the Christian faith. When his followers affirm this truth in doctrine and life, the Church remains healthy; when failing to do so, the Church becomes anemic and sick. The apostle wrote that “no one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor. 12:3). My prayer is that each person who reads All about Jesus will experientially know Jesus as Lord and that this volume will help the reader to know Jesus a little better.

The Christian martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) once wrote, “In the last resort, what we want to know is not, what would this or that man, or this or that Church, have of us, but what Jesus Christ himself wants of us.”* We discover what Jesus Christ “wants of us” in the Gospels (and, for that matter, in the entire Word of God). Jesus is Lord!

ISBN: 978-1732808720

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