This book challenges the Christian to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ—intimately, increasingly, and passionately.
More than fifty years ago, A. W. Tozer wrote, “Perhaps the most serious charge that can be brought against modern Christians is that we are not sufficiently in love with Christ.”
Following his resurrection, Jesus had one fundamental question for Simon Peter: “Do you love me?” Our living Lord still asks the same poignant question of his followers today.
To know Christ is to love Christ. To love Christ is to serve Christ. Peter knew Christ, but there was so much more to know about Christ. Peter loved Christ, but his love at the time was so fragile, so immature, and tainted with self. Peter had served Christ, but Christ was calling him to a greater and wider service—in the power of the Holy Spirit.
God wants us to love him with our all. Jesus shows us the way to love, and the Holy Spirit empowers Christians to love as they should.
ISBN: 978-1-7328087-4-4
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