“This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘You will never be adequate to fulfill my mission, while depending on your own abilities and resources, or putting your trust in the influence and abilities of other people. Look to me alone, the all-sufficient source for your every need.’”
Zechariah 4:6 RIT
Our Father in Heaven yearningly desires each of his children be a channel of grace and blessing in this dark, fallen world. Is his desire your desire?
The only way God’s desire can be effectively approximated in our lives is that we make a conscious and total surrender to his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and then walk day-by-day, keeping in step with the blessed Holy Spirit.
If we desire to be a conduit of mercy and grace, but fail to walk in obedience and fellowship with our Lord, then our desires are tainted with a sinful pride and self-centered ego. With such a spiritual handicap, if we do accomplish anything—even in the church—while it may result in the applause of men, it is incapable of bringing true glory and honor to Christ. We cannot promote ourselves and Christ at the same time.
As he surveyed the awesome assignment to rebuild the house of worship, Zerubbabel felt completely inadequate. Seeing his inadequacy, a vision of God’s sufficiency was given to the prophet-priest Zechariah to share with Zerubbabel. It was a vision of two olive trees, furnishing an abundant supply of oil to a menorah—a lampstand with seven channels.
Just like many in the church today, the prophet didn’t understand the meaning of the vision. Thus, the Lord gave the interpretation: “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘You will never be adequate to fulfill my mission, while depending on your own abilities and resources, or putting your trust in the influence and abilities of other people. Look to me alone, the all-sufficient source for your every need’” (Zech. 4:6 RIT).
Do you wish to be a channel of blessing, dear reader? Cast yourself totally upon the Lord. Let your complete dependence be upon him alone, and then receive his supply of fresh oil.
Taken from . . .
Renewed by the Spirit: 365 Daily Meditations
by Ralph I. Tilley
copyright © 2016 Ralph I. Tilley
(May be copied for noncommercial purposes,
not to exceed 500 copies.)